Thursday, March 08, 2007

Another riff on the Right-Wing Wurlitzer

I took off on it this morning in this post..... but I really need to develop the thoughts I had on the "narrative" that should be played out in the MSM (Main Stream Media) right now....

We need to tell the public

or, as Scarecrow at firedoglake put it.....
"Lies never die with these people. The guilty verdicts changed nothing for them. All of the lies that have been repeatedly discredited are still being told by the Administration's supporters without shame and too often without response. The cover up continues and is in full force. ..."
This time, we should have OUR surrogates on the MSM asking these questions of the pundits and hosts:
Why did the Administration choose YOUR SHOW to trot out their talking points?
Who are the journalist they have chosen to spread their message?
Why are they pushing this line of talking points?
Are all these commentators, journalists and pundits part of the Bush Administration's
Why should we accept anything they say as anything more than
a paid, political advertisement?