I ran into a local politician who is supporting a Mayoral candidate even though that same candidate is being supported by the people who worked so hard to drive him from office in the past.
Now, I've always heard (and subscribed to) the revered political addage:
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I can understand that...it's a way of forming coalitions and allies to achieve a political goal.
But this?
What he seems to be saying is:
My enemy and my enemy's friends are my friends
That's approaching WTF? territory.
There is also something on the national level that I don't quite understand. Why did John Edwards withdraw from the race yesterday? (okay, I know, he said
he "suspended" his campaign but the net result is the same.) Why? If he had held on until "Super Tuesday" he might have gathered a few more delegates to bargain with at the convention. In addition, the Wisconsin primary is on February 19 and in Wisconsin, delegate allocations are chosen on the basis of Congressional District. Our Congressman is Dave Obey who endorsed Edwards a long time ago. In addition, our State Chair endorsed Edwards. There is a strong Edwards contingency within the Congressional District so Edwards may have won that district and the delegates allocated to it. (I think it would have been six or seven at least).
I'm hoping for a "brokered convention and I was hoping that Edwards would control enough delegates to "tip" the balance by releasing his delegates to whichever candidate promised to adopt his issues in the national campaign....but
apparently that's not going to happen....
I'm actually disappointed....and confused.
btw: the Picture at the right is from John Edwards visit to Stevens Point in September of 2004....that was a great rally...the only Presidential candidates' appearance I had seen since 1968.