Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Revisiting the EGO post

I posted some time ago that one of the great dangers of being an elected official, especially one who has been in office for some time, is that you forget who you're working start to believe that every minute thought you have is pure golden...and, like so many authoritarians of history, you begin to equate yourself with the entity you represent, (in other words, you ARE the city, state, country etc.) and finally, you start to believe that every word you utter is pure gold.

I saw a great example of that last night....I dared to defy the Administration.....and the temper tantrum was spectacular. One close friend who watched it on TV said that the disgust was clearly noticeable on the screen...another, far less charitable friend who watched on TV, said it looked like Yosemite Sam after Bugs Bunny aced him out again.....
At the urging of my friends, I watched the replay on local public access last night...they were spectacular. Frankly, it was one of the most disgusting displays of egomania I've ever witnessed.
This particular elected official is stepping down in April and I think its a good thing. In his earlier career, he was a real "fire eater" of an alderman and did a lot of good things to keep the checks and balances in hold the Executive Branch accountable. But like all politicians, he seems to have become what he once fought against.
I hope I have the insight and common sense to know when to get out.