Monday, January 21, 2008

Ain't it the truth.

Hunter at DailyKos sums it up pretty well for me....


This is all highly disappointing to me, because I have been -- to use a popular term -- Left Behind. Somehow, without ever being aware of the instant in which it happened, I find that everyone else on the planet has been lifted up to a higher plane of being, a place where the same politicians that have disappointed us time and time again are suddenly the Second Coming of True Leadership. The same politicians that have for the most part sat on their extraordinarily talented asses, when it comes to giving voice to defending the rule of law or planning for our own soldiers to come home, are now revealed as Perfection made human and come to Earth. How I long to be a part of that transformation! To not be left sitting in the empty streets of unforgivable neutrality!
Oh, Lord, let me find my true love, an earthbound angel worth my undying, obsessive, all-too-willingly gullible devotion! An individual without provable flaw, an individual so clearly more inspirational, more trustworthy, and more compassionate over all others that I can -- nay, must -- make them my own! A candidate I can have true passion over, can woo, can obsess over to my friends until they find me so insufferable that they stop inviting me places -- a lover I can fantasize over, obsess over, can chronicle the every flittering act of, secretly building inside myself towards that fateful day when I eventually become jaded and bitter and resentful over those same quirks and foibles! A candidate whose marginal policy differences are worth the destruction of any friendship, and whose reparsed record can support any foolhardy action! That sort of love, the sort of love that makes the world go round and never, ever ends in sorrow of any kind!

There is much more snark to be added for sure and I encourage you to read the whole post, but Hunter sums up my feelings well. Specifically, these two points:

I do not have a favorite candidate at this point. Actually I'm pretty disappointed at the lot of them. I think some of the absolute best candidates were discouraged from even throwing their hat in the ring because Hillary and Obama literally sucked all the oxygen out of the air before the giddy-up.....and why? Because the prospect of either the first Black President or the first Woman President sent ripples of excitement across the political landscape.

The second point...

now what was that?

Oh yeah

Just how in the hell can people become so narrow-minded when it comes to supporting one candidate and consequently villanizing all others? This escapes me.

What do they have invested so heavily that they perform the kind of ritual torture on all other candidates?

Here's a clue folks.....all politicians will eventually disappoint you.... don't "fall in love" with any of them....

And maybe....just maybe you should choose one who actually who actually keeps his/her who stands for the principles that our party stands for....