Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Catching up and a few thoughts

It continues.

(on edit: That was ANOTHER 3 + hour meeting last night)

Last night's meeting was worse than last Tuesday night's meeting. One Alderman attacked the character of another Alderman who is running for Mayor. It was inappropriate and bordering on fact, I think it was slander. It was a scripted attack and the Mayor, acting as Chair let it go on without interruption. This comes on the heals of a candidate's forum in which a "concerned citizen" (ahem...Mayor) asked the candidates what they would do about the "lack of respect on the Common Council"...yeah....right.....

In addition, the "Professional" Fire Chief let his ruby-red slippers stray from the yellow brick road and jumped headlong into politics. I don't think I'll ever have any trust or faith in this guy again.

My "side" prevailed last night on a lot of votes but I think at least one of the issues will be vetoed and maybe even two issues will be vetoed. I'm trying to decide if I will take a chance that the election in April will cure the problem or, if not, if I need to "up the ante" on the veto situation. Two more months of these sophomoric temper tantrums and ego trips is going to be pure hell and the reason the current administration can get away with it is because they have no political price to pay for doing so. I think I need to extract a price for this bad behavior....


I'm beginning to sound like one of them....